Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Hacking process

How actually hacking is done

Hacking is done by 2 types of hacker one is black-hat hacker who steal your data or information from your computer for their uses and not care about anything. Other is white-hat hacker they are actually a penetration tester they try to protect your data or information from black-hat hackers and finds the way how your information can be steal by black-hat hackers and try to take all effective measure for your computer security and for your information  we also know them as Ethical Hackers.

Hacking is basically done in four steps

1. Finding the IP address of your target and taking out as much information about the target. You can find information about IP using your computer only by typing nslookup in the command line and target new like www.xyz.com this will give information about host IP or you can use Google for finding more information about your target.

2.Once you have found IP address and other information about your target then you scan for ports which port is open or which port is closed. You check through which ports information is transferring in website weather it is UDP,TCP/IP,FIN,PUSH or MX etc. Once you have find open ports you have just completed 2nd step.

3. After completing 2nd step now between you and your target there is firewall of the target and you scan that for firewall through is there any kind of filters or not what are the weak point of firewall and once you find information about firewall through scanning you can start attack on firewall once you have break the target firewall or able to access in target computer.

4. After completing 3rd step you have access in target computer and now you can take out information through scanning or just by copy paste or you can do whatever you want to do.
This is the basic simple map of hacking if you want to learn about hacking you can watch tutorials in Youtube and can learn lots of new thing the above thing mention is done by Black-hat hacker and white-hat hacker eliminate the weak points of the security .
Note : This is only for educational purpose.

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