Sunday, 4 June 2017

Stem Cell | A boon in a Medical Treatment

Cells in the human body
The human body comprises more than 200 types of cells, and every one of these cell types arises from the zygote, the single cell that forms when an egg is fertilized by a sperm. Within a few days, that single cell divides over and over again until it forms a blastocyst, a hollow ball of 150 to 200 cells that give rise to every single cell type a human body needs to survive, including the umbilical cord and the placenta that nourishes the developing fetus.
Human Cell
What is a Stem Cell?
Stem cells are the foundation of development in plants, animals and humans. In humans, there are many different types of stem cells that come from different places in the body or are formed at different times in our lives. These include embryonic stem cells that exist only at the earliest stages of development and various types of tissue-specific (or adult) stem cells that appear during fetal development and remain in our bodies throughout life.
Every organ and tissue in our body grew out of a cluster of stem cells early in development. A stem cell differs from every other cell in the body in its ability to renew itself. It can divide into many more just like it.
Stem cells can repair and replace tissue in the human body. In other words, stem cells have the power to heal.
Think of our skin. The tissue in our skin needs constant renewal that could not take place without stem cells. Or muscle — stem cells in our muscles are what repair damaged tissue when we are injured.
Early in life, stem cells have the extraordinary potential to develop into any type of cell in the human body.
They start in the embryo as unprogrammed cells, then become specialized to create bone, muscle, skin, the heart, the brain, and over 250 other types of specialized cells. These are called pluripotent stem cells.
Stem cells are defined by two characteristics:
They can make copies of themselves, or self-renew
They can differentiate, or develop, into more specialized cells
Beyond these two things, though, stem cells differ a great deal in their behaviours and capabilities.
Using Stem Cells to Save People
Researchers have found that stem cells can be used to treat disease and injury. They stimulate the body to repair itself.
These procedures rely on transplanting stem cells derived from bone marrow and have dramatically altered the treatment of blood disorders and certain cancers such as leukemia.
In the past 20 years, significant new discoveries have emerged — breakthroughs that the original discoverers of stem cells never dreamed about. Researchers are finding new ways to use stem cells to rebuild tissue in many parts of the body where it has been damaged, such as the eye, the pancreas and the brain. Some revolutionary treatments for blindness, MS, stroke and spinal cord injury are already in early stage clinical trials.
Sources of Stem Cells
Much of the public discussion about stem cells has focused on where stem cells come from. Adult stem cells can be found in specific tissues in our bodies. As mature cells, they are already specialized to perform certain functions and are somewhat more limited in their application for therapeutic purposes. Generally, they can make only the kind of cells found in the tissue where they reside.
Image result for stem cell from child
On the other hand, embryonic stem cells — derived from five-day old blastocysts that are precursors to embryos — are pluripotent in nature. They can generate any kind of cell in the body, any kind of tissue. This is why they are of such value to scientists doing both basic research in the lab and medical research in the clinic. They have the potential to regenerate tissue and cells that have been lost because of disease or injury.
Benefits of Stem Cell
Stem cells represent a revolution in health care, but we’re still in the early days. Bone marrow stem cell transplantation has been curing some kinds of cancer for decades, but in other potential areas we’ve barely begun scratching the surface.
Stem cells treatments are now used to help heal orthopaedic injuries, connective tissue damage, neurological problems, heart disease, immune rejection disorders and much more.

Benefits of stem cell treatments include speeding up healing time, lowering chronic pain, reducing need for medications, increasing functionality, decreasing nerve damage and improving collagen concentrations.

Friday, 10 March 2017

5 ways to feel like a woman except for women’s day

   5 ways to feel like a woman except for women’s day

1)             Go for a marathon by yourself.
Skip your routine exercise at the gym or the park. Give yourself a break and go enroll for marathons available all around the year. Go make new woman friends and support women empowerment with your presence.

2)             Pamper yourself with a soothing spa.
De stress at a spa nearby you, enjoy discounts on spa treatments from and , an afternoon spent relaxing yourself with essential oils and the massage you’ve been longing for. Mid-week breaks are essential too, to get you through the rest of the week.

3)               Go economical and celebrate at home.
You could always grab a glass of wine and rest your head back in your bath tub with an awesome DIY bath bomb you could easily make from a YouTube tutorial. You could also spend time exfoliating your skin or use a home remedy matching your skin type.

4)             Don’t Netflix and chill
Instead of your mundane TV series marathons, watch inspirational talks by other women on YouTube, even Tedx talks for that matter. They will make you feel much better than a chick flick. Words that you read have a comparatively less impact than the ones you hear. Let that make a difference!
5)         Be your own baby
Grab yourself an adult colouring book or download some pdfs online, the relaxation therapy and your nostalgic-self will rejuvenate. Dig in your arty stuff and find peace with the medium you would like to work with. Try mandala art patterns if you would like intricacy or if you really do not trust yourself with stuff at home, go for social painting parties hosted by The Bombay Drawing Room!    
You deserve to feel the same love on the other 364 days too!

Editor: Twinkle Kataria

Nationalism and Anti-nationalism

Nationalism and Anti-nationalism

Here is the thing.
I am not a liberal, or a conservative, or a leftist, or a rightist.
I am not even a centrist, not really.
I have been accused of having ‘my feet in two boats’ on social issues.
I will have feet in ten boats, in fifty boats, or a hundred boats.
Why ?
Because expecting people to have cut-and-dried views about everything is profoundly stupid. And yes, I myself have made this error from time to time.
I believe Hindus have the right to build a magnificent temple at Ayodhya, does that make me a Right Winger?
I believe that Christianity and Islam will always be considered ‘outside’ religions, these are Abrahamic religions, their doctrines are far removed from mainstream Hinduism, I am not making a value judgement here, I am just stating whats on a lot of peoples minds. Does that make me a Right Winger?
I believe as long as the threats of violence and force are not used, Christians are within their rights to use any inducement, spiritual or material, to convert people. I do not support missionary activities, I find it disgusting that some members of my community are hawking religion like street vendors, but the constitution gives them the right to practice, profess and propagate their religion (Articles 25 through 28). Period. That is their fundamental right. Does that make me a Left winger?
I believe the UCC is long overdue and there should be specific action by the state to protect couples in intercaste/inter-religious marriages, what does that make me, I wonder?
I believe the Muslim community is long overdue for some serious self -initiated social and educational reform, triple talaq goes against basic human dignity and decency. Sir Syyed Ahmed Khan was on the right track. What went wrong?
And so on and so forth……
Now, with that rant out of the way, lets get to the meat of this question.
How exactly did Leftism/AntiNationalism become so popular in some Indian Universities especially outside WB and KL like states?
Leftism/Antinationalism became popular in these regions becasue oppressed people decided they had had enough of being treated like rubbish for no better reason than being born.
These regions have seen domination by upper castes for hundreds of years, and such domination tend to breed discontent and resentment. Leftism arose as a challenge to the status quo. Misguided or not.
And When will it die?
It is not going to die.
And it shouldn’t die.
Here’s why.
A significant proportion of the Hindu Right believes that they are above all moral failing. That the past was somehow ‘pristine’ and ‘pure’ and that Hindu civilization created heaven on earth.
They believe people had lifespans of hundreds of years, and that modern medical science is crap (until you get really sick, then Ayurveda suddenly loses its charm).
They believe that we had nuclear weapons and space travel based on ‘research’ found on Facebook and Whatsapp.
Sorry, but if the Right believes this nonsense, the Left has the right to be equally stupid.
India’s past was great, certainly.
If you were Brahmin, or Kshatriya, or Vaishya, or an upper caste Christian/Muslim.
Ask the Pulaya community of Kerala if the past was great, ask them if they rejoiced at the fact that their womenfolk were legally forbidden to cover their breasts in public by the higher castes.
Ask the poor low caste ‘untouchable’ devil who dared to listen to holy scripture uttered by a brahmin and got molten lead poured down his ear for his transgression.
Ask the tribal people of Bihar and Chattisgarh if the past was great.
Ask dalit parents who have seen their neighbors and children burned alive by this Sena or that Sena if the past was great, that if their ongoing nightmare is a new phenomenon.
Ask people who have to resort to manual scavenging to make a living, who cannot change their profession because no other villager will allow them anywhere near them for fear of ‘pollution’. (If you don’t know what ‘manual scavenging’ is, and happen to be a ‘Hindu Nationalist’ SHAME ON YOU).
What the Right calls ‘nationalism’ is little different from ‘narcissism’.
When I see and hear the things Right Wing nationalists say and do, I am reminded of parents who keep defending every stupid, malicious and selfish act committed by their ladla/ladlee against all evidence to the contrary. Your child has problems, stop pretending she/he doesn’t.
They are no different in spirit form Islamic extremists, they are just not as militant(yet).
Yes, Islamic extremism is a serious existential threat to our countryto our pruralism, to our sense of Indianness.
This guy, is not your friend, or mine.
This guy is no picnic either….
Don’t let the glasses fool you, but do keep some popcorn handy every time he talks about Hinduism, the comedy is priceless. Professional comedians cannot hope to achieve such levels of wilful stupidity.
Want to know what else is a threat?
and this
and this
Don’t you dare tell me I should not fear for my community when these rabid thrishul wielders run amuck, and talk about inflicting their particular brand of ‘historical justice’ on ‘foreigners’.
There have been countries, and still are countries, where no one is ever ‘anti-national’.
Countries like North Korea.
Like Saudi Arabia.
Like Idi Amin’s Uganda.
Notice a trend here?
There are no anti-nationals, because they all disappear, in North Korea, your family disappears with you.
Ask yourself, is that the kind of India you want to live in? A place where anyone who has a contrary opinion to the majority gets classified as ‘an enemy of the people’, ‘foreign interloper’ or gods forbid ‘cultural and religious threat’?
Freedom of speech is a two edged sword. The more we qualify it with restrictions and special considerations, the more diluted it becomes.
What those students said within the JNU campus was shameful.
Almost as shameful, as the actions committed by the lawyers who beat them up, behaving exactly like street thugs.
Is this the standard we expect from our judiciary?
Is this the quality of our democracy?
Just a thought.
Feel free to disagree.
The Constitution gives you that right.

Editor: Vikkas Sharma

Blood Donation decrease risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Blood Donation decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease

Epidemiologists have observed that blood donation is associated with decreased risk of type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease. The relationship between iron stores and insulin sensitivity was investigated, after controlling for known confounding
factors, and compared insulin sensitivity between blood donors and individuals who had never donated blood (nondonors). The results stated that frequent blood donors had increased insulin sensitivity, decreased insulin secretion and significantly lower iron stores than nondonor but there was no difference in their blood hematocrits and blood hemoglobin concentrations. The decreased iron stores have proved to be a protective factor for the development of Diabetes Mellitus. In fact, the higher the ferritin concentrations, the higher the incidence of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, according to epidemiologic studies.

Editor: Aaminah Sabaah



Pinning down the exact date of Jesus Christ's birth is no easy task. The New Testament insists that it happened in the reign of King Herod, who ruled Judaea for more than thirty years, during which time he rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem and created vast palaces and fortresses in the desert outside the city. Unfortunately for the traditional chronology, Herod died in  B.C.E, four-year before the date commonly accepted for Jesus's birth. There is no other external evidence other than the gospel stories.

The Roman emperor Augustus had a governor called Quirinus in Syria, who decreed that his subjects must be taxed, but this was in about 6C.E., ten years after Herod's death. And there is no evidence he required people to return to their ancestral homes.There is no evidence of a visit to Judaea y three wise men or of a massacre of children by Herod(though his reputation for cruelty makes this possible).
None of which is to deny that a child was indeed born around this time who grew up to become powerful teacher and healer, and whose death some thirty years later led to extraordinary and enduring changes. But the familiar Bible stories-- the journey to Bethlehem, the inn, the shepherds, the magi, the flight into Egypt--are more likely mythological accretions. The Gospels give no indication of month --or even the season--of the birth. Early Christians celebrated it on January 6, but from the fourth century 6, but from the fourth century onwards, the birth of christ was celebrated on December 25
Editor: Atul Prabhakar

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Electonic Smart Glasses

Electonic Smart Glasses

  As people age, the lens loses its ability to change focus, which is why many people ultimately require reading glasses or bifocals to see object up close and regular eyeglasses to see far away.  Today, with advancement of technologies, the days of wearing bifocals or constantly swapping reading glasses may soon be over. Now new smart glasses are developed by scientists and researchers at University of Utah in the U.S, including one of the Indian origin, that can be automatically adjust the focus on what a person is seeing, whether it is far away or close. Most people who gets reading glasses have to put them on and take them off all the time while reading but with this smart glasses we don’t need to do that anymore, once these glasses are put on its always clear.
Let’s see how these smart glasses’ works.           These smart glasses contain lenses made of glycerine, a thick colourless liquid enclosed by flexible rubber like membranes in the front and back. These rear membranes in each lens is connected to a series of three mechanical actuators
 that push the membrane back and forth like a transparent piston, changing the curvature of the liquid lens and the focal length between the lens and the eye. The focal length of the glasses depends on the shape of the lens, so to change the optical power we actually have to change the membrane shape. The lenses are placed in special eyeglass frames
with electronic and a battery to control and the power actuators. In the bridge of the glasses is a distance meter that measures the distance from the glasses to an object via pulses of infrared light. So when the wearer looks at an object, the meter instantly measures the distance and tells the actuators how to curve the lenses. If the user then sees another object that is closer, the distance meter readjust in just 14 milliseconds and tells the actuators to reshape the lens for farsightedness.

Editor: Meghna Verma 

Wednesday, 8 March 2017



Android  is Google’s  mobile  or  smartphone  operating system.  It  was initially created &  developed  by  Android  Inc.,  but  later it  was  acquired  by Google in  2005.  Android  is Linux based  operating system.  In current scenario,  its world’s  best  –  selling  smartphones platform.  It  has a strong presence  with  a  plethora of  options from most  major companies.  Android is a large community of developers,  who  write programmes  and  create  apps which  enhance the platform and  its functionality.  This  platform currently has about  6,00,000  premium applications built  for user to  meet their  needs and  specifications. Android  OS  is growing at high pace. leading platforms.  Being under  Google, Android  OS  is unification of all other  Google applications  and  lets  user synchronize the Google account with  the  operating device and  thus  letting  user  an easy  access to  Google Apps  such  as Gmail,  Google Drive,  Google Docs,  Google calendar, etc. Thus  Android  devices  surely help  in  meeting technological requirements and  needs  of the users.  The user can  modify the environment as per  own choice  and  customize the looks,  they  can  secure their  personal data.  The dependence  of today’s  generation on  technology is  increasing day by  day and  in  order to  meet the  needs  and keep  one self-oriented  towards simplification of  technology,  the  developers  are  creating  technology  and ways  to  sustain  them.  And we  are heading towards  great  technological environment.    
It  has got  tremendous response from the  uses.  The operating system Android,  updates  its version every year,  which  typically fixes  bugs  and  add new  features.  The developers also  tend  to  enhance  the  platform for  more  creative and attractive environment.  The each  version  comes up  with  a  name of  dessert  such  as Éclair,  Jelly  Bean,  Lollipop,  Marshmallow  and latest  one is Nougat.  There are  several small  and  multiple tasking software  generally called  applications and  commonly  referred as  ‘Apps’.   In not  so  –  distant  past,  the  cell phones  were  primarily  used  to make calls  and  also  text  messages.  With  time,  in same  Symbian platform, other  features also  added like music  player,  camera,  FM,  etc.  But as soon, Android  come  up  with  all the wondrous  things you  can  imagine.  It simplified one’s  interaction with  calling gadgets,  by  attractive  environment of GUI  (Graphics  User Interface)  and  touch  screen.  It  has anyhow  brought people’s  effort  to  ease and  oriented  them towards  technology  and somehow made them  dependent on  it.   Our  current generation is  highly  dependent  on technology and medium which  connects human mind  to  genius  and  advanced  machine  is operating system and  in those operating systems,  this  Android  is one  of the
Editor: Shantanu Kumar

Is it equality?

Is it equality?

If your are allowed to drink, why not ME?
      If you are allowed to be dishonest, why not ME?
           If you are allowed to be WRONG, why not ME?
From times ago, we have always heard that EDUCATION makes a complete man, but is it really true? Is our education really making us complete? Or is it regarding us into a world of wrong meanings of right things?

Today, every second socialist, reformist, and even every intellectual talks about EQUALITY- equality of GENDER, basically. And the youth, specially, they are always ready to stand for this EQUALITY. But have you ever given a second thought of your meaning of equality? For this generation, basically, equality means a LICENSE to do every wrong deed, FREEDOM to do every act that can cause their life to enter into drastic situations where no other options rather than SUICIDES, ADDICTIONS, DEPRESSIONS and all sort of shit ideas are the only options they are left with. And personally I don’t think any of the WOMEN, or GIRL really wants to be part of such EQUALITIES which they are going to get on the cost of their life.
EQUALITY should be something which will improve the conditions of women in society, something which will provide them ample opportunities to go ahead and win the world, something which can enable them to stand on their own for whatever purpose they need. Today, being a part of you GIRLS, the youth I really want to ask what EQUALITY really means to you- opportunities or end of life?
After an analysis , done earlier by me, I found that for today’s generation equality have some meanings which makes it difficult for the word itself to understand what it really means. And the answers I got from my surroundings regarding what they expect from equality are-
I should be allowed to go for out nights, if my brother is allowed to do so.
I should be allowed to drink and smoke with my friends, if my brother is allowed to do so.
I should be allowed to have a lot of boyfriends, if my brother is allowed to do so.
I should not be asked to do so household works, etc, etc.
But I really wish that I can make them understand these things are not a meaning of equality. Why don’t you think that usually going for night outs daily is not good and your brother should also be prohibited to do so? Why don’t you think that drinking and smoking are death causing activities and your brother should be stopped going so, rather than you think that you should also be allowed to do so? Why don’t you think that this time is very precious and it should be worth spending on studies and moving ahead in life, rather than wasting it after some idiot personalities?
Guys, wake up. Don’t expect an alarm to be there to wake you up before every move. And the most important fact, if you don’t know what a word means don’t interpret it in a wrong way and present it so confidently to the world, that they start following you as well. If you cannot make your life a good one, than please don’t make others to believe in you and make theirs a worst one.
Just stop once for all and THINK, THINK where you are going and what destiny you are choosing for yourself because you get what you decided in your life to happen. Don’t consider your BACK FALL as your VICTORY.

   “FUTURE is an empty bottle. It’s your HARDWORK which will fill it with different JUICIES; a BITTER one; a SWEET one, choice is yours. YOUR LIFE, YOUR WAYS.”

Editor : Anshul Malik (B.A.)

Summer trends-Fashion and Lifestyle

Summer trends-Fashion and Lifestyle

The 5 looks you need to know.

Romantic pinks to mysterious purples,Delightful green to calming blues.
Colours help us to adore our own world-
  • Rascal red
  • Easygoing blue
  • Happy go lucky yellow
  • Good boy green
  • Sweet and sour orange
  • Dreamy violet
  • Intelligent indigo
  • Simply off white
What do you like?Get ready for the 80's look this summer.Get excited unless the fashion is revealed.
Select your colour and choose your dresses.Because this summer is going to buy all the spirit of 80's via the runways adoption of more literal asthetic codes as well as the DIY-culture-this is the season where you make RULES.You want to be a pink princess is one of hundreds see through peekakoro dresses designers have drempt up in clouds of tulle and embroidery?
Fancy the idea of wearing whatever,whenever and however you imagine it in that moment?These 5 styles will make you look stunning.


The power of pink-pink and lots of it is going to play a very bold part this summer without frills,prints or girlish detaling.The power of pink will clearly be seen.But if that isnot your vibe,take your pink from the multi-colour of krimid green,sunshine yellow.There's only one rule-Wear lots of it.

80's Redux

The essence of new 80's redux really lies in after dark wears.You probably wont find much of mood fieting into day wear,but when its about going out there is much to play with from silhouette-enhancing nipped waists fastined with giant belts to flirty hemlines balanced out by big shoulders.Crystal earings and sky high stiletoes are key.

Head to toe florals

"Florals?for summer? Groundbreaking"recites every person who has watched.The Devil wears Prada ever.Well,actually this time around,they really are so rad in colouration,scale,fabrications and mood that designers thought it best to go full throttle in full blooms from head to toe-shoes included.

Mix and Match

If this sounds dounting ,don't be afraid.A great going out outfit-set up jeans against medcap,combination of bejewelled accessories,trophy jacket and motif tee.How to approach this with ease?A  strict colour palette with help,but otherwise,just think about accessories to the maximum.

Stayement strips

If flower-print wears seem dedicated,dont think there is any less of an obsession when it comes to these alternative line-designer's were set on also styling these from head to toe too.Ofcourse you are more than welcome to nod to the trend with a natty stripped knit or a barcoded pair of heels,but we do like  this full-steam-ahead attitude.
So you have all of it,most important fashion trends.Which has probably put you in mood for shopping.

Editor: Sanchi Suri

Teen Suicide-A turmoil in society

Teen Suicide-A turmoil in society

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death, an appropriately defined statement. These simple words just give the literal meaning of word suicide. But this little word holds deep meaning inside. It just not killing one self but distressing the soul of your family. It is said that sometimes the problems are so mammoth such that no other option is left. Believe me suicide is not the way through. Hurting yourself your loved ones is not way out. As per our laws the killing a human being is a severe and punishable offence and also not even our Shastra permit it. How could then we kill our self! God gave us this beautiful life to do something great for our nation and society. It is perfectly known that life is not the bed of roses, there are ups and downs, there are times when we feel low, the whole world seems to be devil, but believe me the answer could never be suicide. It is not even the last thing to do but the worst thing to do. No person on this earth would feel sorry for your suicide, rather they will come up with some sinful stories that just would humiliate your family. The only thing that can bring you out of your problems is your desire to fight, you need to fight until you prove yourself right. Suicide is the step of coward 

According to the report Time of India in every 40 seconds one person commits suicide. India ranks at top in maximum number of suicides. Every 90 minutes a teenager tries to commit suicide in India. Many of these attempts are due to lack of parental attention, help and love. Every six hour one succeeds. This something fearful to think that those parents who bring their child into this world have no time for them. Moreover suicide doesn’t feed answer to it. Dear children hold yourself aback and get to your parents talk to the directly, cry speak your heart to them. There is nothing what they cannot understand, what will happen at maximum they will not talk to you, but how long one day two day maximum to maximum a week. Whatever the scenario be it will be far better than your suicide. No parent in this whole world can bear the dead body of their child in their hands, this would shatter their entire life. Whatever may be the extremist of the problem suicide can never be answer. Talk to your parents nobody in this world can understand you better than them.

I would like to conclude by giving an example. Take life as a video game (this could be the most thrilling game) and its problems like different difficulty levels. Build up that conviction in yourself that you have for games and bet me upon that you will surely win over the problems of your life. Tis thought is something that I firmly believe in that “if you have very big problems in your life God gives you enough courage to beat it”. At last I would like to say that have you seen ant what does it do when you keep some obstacle in its way. Yes, it goes by its side, one matter how many times you do so. Similarly no matter how many problems come in your life just keep the zeal to overcome it. It is very well said “God help those who help themselves”.
So all my readers never get demotivated in life as there are many beautiful surprises that all mighty have planned for us. God bless everyone.

Editor: Saesha Verma

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

Time changes so changes thinking of human beings.Earlier the era was male dominated. Everyone thought that men are the one who are important personality in the world. Women were thought to be the one who should look after household works and children. But,time is changing and with this changing time women are coming out of their boundaries for various fields. They are interested to know about the world out of house. Women are more talented than men as they are capable to handle both home and office together. But,still ratio needs to be raised as it is low at present.

Government is taking various actions for this, they launched various schemes for women empowerment and save girl child such as "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao" , "One Stop Centre" , Women Helpline Scheme" , "UJJAWALA" and many more along with advertising them  on TV and newspapers which motivated lot of people. These steps educate people and motivate them how important it is in today's time for women to be independent and know herself.
The famous personalities are perfect example to inspire others. Women who are at top position in today's time for example Chanda Kochhar CEO of ICICI bank, Arundhati Bhattacharya CEO of State Bank of India and many more. They all worked for many years and then reached that position in the business world. Although it takes time but success is achieved at the end.
Women empowerment gives women their rights to improve their economic status also talented women get chance to show their talent which they have hidden for long time. Alongwith this it will increase the development of the society both in social and economic way.
For women empowerment various steps have to be taken firstly it should be to remove gender inequality. In our country various states are gender biased their is still the old thinking which needs to be removed first. For this people should be educated. Government took initiative for this and in schools  various scholarships are given to girls in various forms like cash prize, laptop,cycles to motivate their parents for equality. Apart from this not only young but old age people are coming for education which is the biggest achievement for the country.Although this change occured in few places but with time it will spread to others also.
Education is the prime way of women empowerment another important way in today's time is internet. Internet has become a medium for housewives to learn at home and improve themselves. Its the best medium to convey message to  all as everyone uses social networking sites in today's time either it be a businessman or an employee. Awareness is important for every aspect more the people are aware more they come closer to reality.
Editor: Ritu Saini

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Get people to do what you want-Psychology

  • Get people to do what you want-Psychology

Ever heard of contrast principle? No? Well now you have. I came across this in the book Influence (Such a great Book , you have to read it.). This principle is so useful in life to get people to do what you want. It’s useful when you are selling or you are giving someone bad news. It allows other to see your offering or news from a different perspective.
Let me explain to you what the principle really is. It affects the way we see the difference between 2 things that are presented one after another. If the second item is fairly different from the first, we will tend to see it as more different than it actually is. So if we lift a light object first and then lift a heavy object, we will estimate the second object to be heavier than if we had lifted it without first trying the light one. Another example is when we dip our hand in cold water for some time and then in regular room temperature water the later feels warm to us. So, it is much more profitable for salespeople to present the expensive item first, not only because to fail to do so will lose the influence of the contrast principle, to fail to do so will also cause the principle to work actively against them. We experience this so much in life. Read the following extract from book to understand better.

Still not sure how you can use this?
Watch this Video which uses this principle and laugh your ass off in the process.

Editor: Aditi Gupta

Surrogacy- A New Beginning in the society.

Surrogacy- A New Beginning in the society.

Earlier Actor Tusshar Kapoor, younger brother of famous Indian TV and Film producer Ekta Kapoor was blessed with a baby boy through surrogacy.

Now, its good news for very famous Indian film director & producer daddy Karan Johar... congratulations who is blessed with twins Roohi & Yash. No one had any idea not even imagined that Karan Johar is on his way to fatherhood, it was all kept secret(though for good deed). KJO tweeted about this good news yesterday morning by welcoming new born twins to his family.
Bollywood celebrities tweeted their love,  blessings & support to Karan Johar for becoming father of twins. KJO is extremely happy & looking forward for the new phase of his life which would be full of responsibilities of two adorable twins.
According to our society it takes lots of guts and responsibilities to be a single father.
At the end, he thanked the surrogate mother.
Being a youth of this nation, India I respect this new beginning & would be supporting it. What's your opinion ?
Let's have an healthy debate on the same, in the comments area.
Hope you would like my efforts & opinion. Waiting for the positive response.

Editor: Aparna Agarwaal

Hacking process

How actually hacking is done

Hacking is done by 2 types of hacker one is black-hat hacker who steal your data or information from your computer for their uses and not care about anything. Other is white-hat hacker they are actually a penetration tester they try to protect your data or information from black-hat hackers and finds the way how your information can be steal by black-hat hackers and try to take all effective measure for your computer security and for your information  we also know them as Ethical Hackers.

Hacking is basically done in four steps

1. Finding the IP address of your target and taking out as much information about the target. You can find information about IP using your computer only by typing nslookup in the command line and target new like this will give information about host IP or you can use Google for finding more information about your target.

2.Once you have found IP address and other information about your target then you scan for ports which port is open or which port is closed. You check through which ports information is transferring in website weather it is UDP,TCP/IP,FIN,PUSH or MX etc. Once you have find open ports you have just completed 2nd step.

3. After completing 2nd step now between you and your target there is firewall of the target and you scan that for firewall through is there any kind of filters or not what are the weak point of firewall and once you find information about firewall through scanning you can start attack on firewall once you have break the target firewall or able to access in target computer.

4. After completing 3rd step you have access in target computer and now you can take out information through scanning or just by copy paste or you can do whatever you want to do.
This is the basic simple map of hacking if you want to learn about hacking you can watch tutorials in Youtube and can learn lots of new thing the above thing mention is done by Black-hat hacker and white-hat hacker eliminate the weak points of the security .
Note : This is only for educational purpose.

Renaissance of Nokia

Renaissance of Nokia

An IPhone falls to the floor, IPhone breaks into pieces. Nokia falls to the floor, breaks the floor. These are one of trolls that we encounter in the social media on a daily basis these days. Have we ever wonder why these all cynicism on this marque?? Nokia is not a just brand which makes a cell phone but it is just more than that. It is an emotion. If one craved to buy a cell phone, his first and last choice would have been NOKIA. It’s the reliability and excellence of the product that had made a never expunging mark on the owner’s thought. People adored this brand and were ready to pay anything for their brand.  Nokia is a finnish company which was originated in 1865 from a mill company and has its headquarter at Espoo. It was 274th leading company (2013) in the world employing more than 61 thousand employees from around 120 countries. Once upon a time, NOKIA also became the largest seller of mobile phones in the whole domain, but its dominance over the market was slowly and gradually being overshadowed by its other competitors.

Due to the cut-throat competition and enhancing technology in the Telecommunication sector, various companies saw it as a golden opportunity to take the baton of the hefty market share from Nokia and prove their prowess to others. In these all processes, Nokia got behind its rivals. TechGurus saw the Operating System (Symbian) as one of the major shortcoming which had caused a breakdown of the company.  In 2005, a new operating system for phones (Android) was launched. It got an immense positive response from the users. The  main pros of this OS were:
It was Multitasking OS
It had more versatile apps on the Play Store
A well modified ROM could be installed
It provided bigger screens
HTC got the license of Android and released the first android based handset HTC Dream on October 22, 2008.  Following the same footprints, brands such Nexus, Samsung ,Asus etc. also got the android licensed to them and launched their smartphones. Samsung turned out to be victorious this time by launching a smartphone GALAXY Y on August 2011 and it later on went to became one of the bestselling Cell phones in the history. Other makers were gradually gaining the control over the arcade while Nokia was on the losing side. Newcomer brands such Micromax, Lava etc. further slaughtered the hopes of our favourite and dear brand Nokia. As a last attempt, Nokia agreed to use Windows as an OS in their devices but it again proved to be a loss affair. By mid-2012, with the company’s stock price falling below $2, Nokia became almost bankrupt. To tackle the disastrous losses, Nokia Mobile divisions was sold to Microsoft Corporations on April, 2014. The most trusted cellular brand was monetarily wretched. Android hurricane flounced away all the glory from this brand.
And we all know that a winner is just loser who tried one more time. Nokia is absolutely a winner. It is ready for a vigorous and valiant comeback. On 18 May 2016, Microsoft announced the sale of the Nokia-branded feature phone division to FIH Mobile, a division of Foxconn, and HMD Global, a new company in Finland. The two will be working together, along with Nokia Technologies, to create Nokia-branded devices. The deal is expected to close in June 2016. Nokia will be providing brand and patent licensing to HMD, and will take a seat on the board of directors of the company, as well as set requirements. Devices are set to be released in 2017. On 8 January 2017, HMD announced their first Android smartphone, Nokia 6. HMD is also expected to launch 6-7 phones by the end year 2017. Nokia has also announced a phone 3110 and all the Tech lovers are going crazy over it. There is a colossal appreciation for it. These all are being seen as the marks of the renaissance of the most trustworthy cellular brand NOKIA. People can’t wait to get this sensational device again their pockets. At last the revival of Nokia doesn’t showcase only it’s never giving up attitude but also instils us to implement the same in our lives.
Editor: Aman Kumar

Travel India!!

Travel India!!

before you run out of time………..

The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. But before you set your heart on exploring the world, make sure you’ve enjoyed the serenity of these exotic, dream destinations closer to your  home.The name India conjures up vivid images of rich culture, classical dance forms, colorful festivals, breathtaking art and exquisite cuisine to name a few. But there is more to incredible India than meets the eye. India has been the home of most ancient civilizations in the world.Today India has come a long way from its imperial days to being the world’s largest democracy and the 7th largest country in the world. India is the world’s most preferred outsourcing destination with China and Malaysia following closely behind.
Before exploring the rolling green hills in Scotland,Enjoy the beauty of Mandi in Himachal Pradesh…Before enjoying a cup of tea at Boh Tea Plantation in Malaysia,Find out how Tea began as a medicine and grew into a beverage in Munnar, Kerala… Before saying there’s no place like Switzerland in the World Soothe your Nerves and Calm your Soul in Gulmarg, Kashmir...Before getting smitten by Alaska’s scenic beauty appreciate Auli in Uttarakhand for it’s Stunning Natural Vistas… Sure, trekking in Overland Tracks Australia will expose you to stunning mountains, But trekking in Ladakh will make you experience untouched landscape…Dive as much as you can in Spain,Because once the water in Andaman casts its spell on you, it will hold you forever…Before enjoying the colorful display of tulips in Amsterdam,Let the Tulips in Srinagar make you happy … Before enjoying the beaches of Brazil, Let the long and narrow stretch of Tarkarli in Maharashtra woo you…. Before bowing down to Royalty at Windsor Castle in England,Experience a Royal Treatment at Bangalore  Palace..
Editor: Harshita Pathak

Is it 'mother India'  or 'father India' ?

Is it 'mother India'  or 'father India'? 
Male chauvinism is an ideology of people which defines that men are stronger then their opposite sex. Most Indian men have been raised to think that women are the weaker sex, and that they have to 'take care' of her. Even our marriage rituals objectifies women to the extent that 'she is given' in marriage by the father to the husband. As if she were a piece of property. It's no wonder that the average Indian male is a chauvinist. It is up to the mother to bring up their sons to treat women with respect.

Many parents are the reason who treat them differently. A girl should learn all household works before going to in laws house. Did they make their son learn household works before getting married?  Answer is 'never'.  If a girl raise her voice on elders, she is going to spoil her parents' name but if a boy shouts, won't their name get spoil?  Earlier, parents used to wish for a boy child as they thought that he is the one who will look after them in their old age but today most of the things have changed. We see that girls today are standing on their feet independently and are supporting their parents better than a boy can. Is not only about our society but also about our mythology.
Male chauvinism has been observed through ages. 
In Hindu mythology,  divinity is expressed in the form of three couples -  brahma and saraswati,  vishnu and lakshmi,  shiva and shakti. Male half of this trinity us associated with verbs like brahma creates, vishnu preserves and shiva destroys. The female half on the other hand is associated with nouns like saraswati is knowledge, lakshmi is wealth, shakti is power. The gods are thus creators, preservers and destroyers; they are the active subjects. The goddesses by contrast are that which is created, preserved or destroyed; they are the passive objects. While the goddesses are described so wealth, knowledge and power,  they themselves are never described as knowledgeable, wealthy or powerful. That is usually an adjective reserved for Gods. Isn't it good old male chauvinism at work?  Or is it something else?
Shiva does not represent a man and shakti does not represent a woman. Shiva and shakti are male and female forms that lend themselves to embody ideas. Ideas have no gender.  But to communicate them,  they are often given various forms like plants, animals, patterns, and sometimes humans. If human, they are given gender.  
I wonder why a country that worships wealth, knowledge and power as women has traditionally denied women access to all the three. We consider our country as 'mother India'  but here, mother is considered inferior to father then why not say 'father India'? The name of our country should reflect the thinking of our society, shouldn't it?  
A mother gives birth to a child - either a bit out a girl. It signifies that male are a part of female. They have originated from women. A man should respect a woman as he requires her to grow. Without her,  he is nothing. Within is Purusha. Without is prakriti. Without either there is neither.  
Editor: Aditi chauhan

Monday, 6 March 2017

First robot waiter

First robot waiter

A Pakistani restaurant become the first restaurant to have a robot waitress for serving the food.
A shop named, located in the city of multan in Punjab province became evidence of long queues outside the restaurant after local media informed about robot waitress.
According to dawn newspaper this robot is developed by pizzeria owner's son, who is an electrical engineering graduate from National University of Science and Technology,Islamabad.
Pizzeria owner Sayed Aziz Ahmed Zafari said that "soon after the news of robot waitress is spread long queue of customer can be seen who wants to dine here." He said his son Syed Osama Aziz has given the idea robotic waitress to give a boost to business.

"My son was interested in going united states for further studies, but I  insisted him to stay in our country and do something for our country specially this city(multan). And I am also feeling proud to be a multani. we left Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad behind." mr. zafari said.
"This robot can navigate to customer table, greet them, serve them and come back to the counter." said Aziz, the developer.
This robot is capable of Weighing 25 kg and can carrying up to five kg of food, the robot also detects and requests the obstacle in its way to give way. 
"Much is needed to improve, basically I got this idea from china where robots are serving in restaurants already." he said.
Editor: Vaibhav Shukla (Jalandhar)